Following these guidelines is important to avoid the common dating mistakes most foreigners make that get them in trouble…
Avoid using Tinder due to high risk of encountering criminals targeting foreigners
Bumble is a safer alternative, but remain cautious
Be wary of women who exclusively date foreigners
First-date red flags: inviting you to their place or suggesting yours, multiple women
Manage your expectations. You're not automatically more attractive simply by coming to Colombia
Genuine women typically don't rush to visit your place
Women from lower socioeconomic areas may pose higher risks
Don't venture into the comunas (slums) to pick up women
Prioritize women from higher-strata neighborhoods from middle, upper middle or upper class backgrounds
Digital Safety:
Vet potential partners through social media
No social media presence or suspicious online activity is a red flag
Keep personal and financial information private
Protective Measures:
Build a good relationship with your building's doorman, tip and treat them respectfully
Never leave drinks unattended (this is how they get you)
Avoid unfamiliar areas on first dates
Screen potential partners carefully before inviting to your residence
Cryptocurrency Safety:
Never mention cryptocurrency on dating profiles or social media accounts
Avoid discussing cryptocurrency in public or with strangers, as foreigners are often targeted
Social Integration:
Create a support network by befriending locals
Local male friends can identify potential red flags and provide valuable insights
Local male friends can introduce you to their female friends and facilitate genuine connections
Attend local events and join social groups to expand your network
Contingency Planning:
Understand potential risks and have an emergency plan
Stay informed about local conditions
Keep emergency contacts handy
That’s a wrap!
If you want to read more, check out the FREE Medellín Safety Handbook. Get it here: